Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kids In The Kitchen

Here's a great list I found on What's Cooking Blog that lists age-appropriate tasks children can do to help in the kitchen!

2-3 year olds can:

4-6 year olds can:

7-12 year olds can:

o Rinse vegetables or fruits

o Tear large pieces of lettuceo Stir

o Pour with assistance

o Select which ingredients they want to taste or use

o Recognize changes to ingredients during the cooking process

o Sort ingredients

o Help identify ingredients in the grocery store

o Group utensils when setting the table.

o Pour

o Mixo Count and do simple measurements

o Cut with a plastic or butter knife

o Crack eggs

o Start to follow recipe cards and symbols

o Create their own recipes, and draw them on cards

o Identify images or diagrams of ingredients on your grocery list

o Set the table.

o Do tasks listed previously

o Write your shopping list and read it to you at the store.

o Help select which recipes the family will share at mealtime.

o Read and follow recipeso Work with a heat source (supervised)

o Cut with a sharper knife (with instruction)

o Create their own recipes and write the steps

o Help to wash dishes

o Do tasks listed previously

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